These products provide critical infection control measures for use in sectors such as medical, education, food services, manufacturing, laboratories and also wet areas. All of our antimicrobial products utilise silver-ion technology * which effectively assists in preventing contamination and disease infection inhigh-risk, high-traffic environments.
As AM360’s sheeting products are infused with silver-ion particles during the manufacturing process, not coated on at the end, the sheeting is able to maintain its protective barrier even when bumped or dented. Our products come in a rainbow of colours that complement common interior design themes seen across a range of industries and can also be ordered in bespoke colours or with printed designs.
The team at AM360 have extensive experience in understanding infection control requirements and can recommend the right antimicrobial products for the entire scope of your fit-out. We understand the importance of sourcing materials which are sterile, non-toxic and scratch resistant in order to ensure the highest possible level of microbe control.
*Please note that all our products contain ionic silver, unlike other products on the market which contain nano silver. According to researchers at
Rice University, in order for silver to be effective in killing bacteria, it has to be in its ionised form. Nano silver is therefore
benign in the presence of microbes.
AM360 continue to support the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) to support health service organisations and the health workforce implement the actions of the National Safety & Quality Health Services (NSQHS), with their Infection and Prevention Control (IPC) standards initiative.

AM360 Australasia are specialists in recommending and supplying infection control products for internal fit-outs
The team at AM360 are ready to help start you on the way to getting the best antimicrobial products on the market. Talk to us today and limit your infection risks by calling 1300 884 978 or by filling out the enquiry form below and we’ll get back to you.